Fifth International Workshop on Affective Computing in Requirements Engineering

Workshop on September 5, 2023 in conjunction with RE'23 in Hannover, Germany.

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Affective computing spans a broad research field from the recognition to the expression of emotions, which is of interest for software systems as they are designed and used by humans. For requirements engineering (RE), understanding and utilizing personality traits, attitudes, moods, and emotions plays a crucial role in various facets, reaching from the consideration of individual professionals and team performance during RE activities to the utilization of end-user emotions as a means to validate requirements.

The AffectRE workshop aims at creating an international, sustainable community where researchers and practitioners can meet, present, and discuss their current work to affect the RE community with ideas from affective computing. In its fifth edition, this workshop fosters high-quality contributions about empirical studies, theoretical models, and tools that raise emotion awareness in RE.

Organization Committee

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using our email addresses available below, or contact us via social media.

Marc Herrmann

Marc Herrmann
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Tahira Iqbal

Tahira Iqbal
University of Tartu,

Kuldar Taveter

Kuldar Taveter
University of Tartu,

Jil Kluender

Jil Kluender
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Important Dates
Deadlines are due at 23:59 AoE.

Abstract Submission (optional):
June 2, 2023
Paper Submission:
June 16, 2023
Author Notification:
July 7, 2023

Camera Ready Submission:
July 21, 2023

Workshop Day:
September 5, 2023

Important Links
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